Olivia Godley's Avatar
My Badges

Ascension Episcopal School

  • High School
  • Grade: 9th
  • Favorite Subject: Math

I am in eighth grade at Ascension Episcopal School. I am involved in my school's visual arts club and volleyball team. I enjoy helping my community and doing what I can to help others. I visit and help the elderly often, and donate money frequently to my local animal shelter. I am in all AP classes, and plan to keep high grades in each. I am working towards being a productive citizen and being the best person I can be! read more


About Me

I am in eighth grade at Ascension Episcopal School. I am involved in my school's visual arts club and volleyball team. I enjoy helping my community and doing what I can to help others. I visit and help the elderly often, and donate money frequently to my local animal shelter. I am in all AP classes, and plan to keep high grades in each. I am working towards being a productive citizen and being the best person I can be!

Future Plans

When I graduate, I would to explore the medical field or have an occupation in business. I am also interested in being a financial advisor, and taking over the family business.

  • Current School

    Ascension Episcopal School
    Level: High School
    Grade: 8th-9th
    Favorite Subject: Math

Awards, Interests & Activities