Help Me: Treating my summer better


Treating my summer better

What I'm Fundraising For

I'm fundraising for my summer's treat because of all the hardworking stuff that I have been doing for my senior year as an international student. It could be a round ticket to visit my parents in Vietnam or money for college's appliances. #mymission

Why This Is Important To Me:

I always want to go back home (Vietnam) when the school's year ends. However, the tickets are way too expensive, and I absolutely cannot afford to do this. Also, it's going to be my graduation year so I would be really appreciate if I could share the joy with my family.

How I Will Use The Funds:

All of the money will go for the round trip ticket back to my home before college life starts with me.


Strategy & Perks

My Strategy To Reach This Goal:

I just need 50 people to each donate $20 to reach my goal of $1000


No updates have been posted for this mission.

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