Help Me: Teen Suicide


Teen Suicide

What I'm Fundraising For

We need to STOP teen suicide, it is one of the leading causes of death. It is unnatural for teens to even think about taking their own life. #mymission

Why This Is Important To Me:

I have seen friends with severe depression and we can't just give up hope. I myself have been down that road and it is a dark and scary place. You feel like there is nothing else for you and the only escape is death.

How I Will Use The Funds:

I will donate them to the suicide prevention hotline so that more people can be there to call. I want to make certain that if there is a struggling teen in any part of the world that they have at least one person to help.


Strategy & Perks

My Strategy To Reach This Goal:

Even just a little bit can help fund more workers so that they can help a teen suffering.


Even if you send a penny you can help others in need and feel like you actually saved a persons life.


No updates have been posted for this mission.

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