Help Me: Seville Spain Maymester 2017
Study Abroad

What I'm Fundraising For
Why This Is Important To Me:
How I Will Use The Funds:
Strategy & Perks
My Strategy To Reach This Goal:
Posted 7 years ago
All I can say is WOW !!!! We have reached OVER 100% of the goal! I am grateful for all the support I've received, and the encouragement to keep working towards this goal! I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to acknowledge, like, share and donate to this campaign! I owe all of you the biggest THANK YOU. You all are so amazing, and I can not wait to share the many things I'll learn in my travels.
Posted 7 years ago
Yesterday was the last day of classes. I am officially done with my junior year! Only 14 more days until I fly to Spain. It's going to be an amazing and challenging journey. Thank you to everyone who has donated to my trip thus far. If you have anything to spare, there's still time to donate. If not, love and encouragement are more than enough! 14 days!!!
Posted 7 years ago
ope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! There are still a few more days to help reach my goal for study abroad. We've reached 70% Almost there :) OR
Posted 7 years ago
We are almost at the end of the road. There is one more week left of my mission. I would like to take the time to thank everyone who has been sharing and donating to my fundraiser, it has been so motivating. I am anxious to create new memories, like I did in my first study abroad trip to Mexico. I love all of this support I have gotten thus far. Keep on sharing :) - Marissa
Posted 7 years ago
UPDATE: This is an essay I wrote for my study abroad program. Read below! Round of Applause: An Open Letter to My Mother The teenage dream: everyone has a different definition for it. Mom, you tried your best to make those years memorable for me and I know I didn't make it any easier for myself. If I haven't said it before, you should know that you deserve a round of applause. The best place for me to begin is telling you some of the things I appreciate most that you did. Remember when we moved to Florida, and we fought every day? I blamed you for taking me away from my father, friends and family in Atlanta. I also remember you worked almost every day so that we had everything we needed. You also made sure I had something to do all summer, whether it be going to camp or spending time at the beach. I remember applying for prep school in New England with you. I would give you the hardest time about me being there. I took for granted that you were providing me with the opportunity to go to an international school that we could barely afford. I wanted so badly to leave and I would yell at you and tell you it's all your fault that I was so unhappy. I acted like being the only black student in my class wasn't a chance to teach my classmates about my own culture and background. You begged to differ. You pushed me to apply for competitive scholarships and to pursue the rigorous courses I took that prepared me for college. You encouraged me to keep running. You flew to my school every spring to see me compete; it meant a lot to me and only made me work harder. You also invested your time and money because you believed I would make the most of my experience, and I did because of you. Because of you I appreciate whenever I get the chance to experience different cultures. Who knew I would ever meet a girl from Singapore that gave Mariah Carey a run for her money; or spend the day at an amusement park with a Korean boy who was born in Texas, and lived in Germany. These are a few of the things, and they may seem inadequate, but they've made a big impact on how I live and how I treat other people today. And although we aren't at the end of the road, I'd like to give you a round of applause for everything you have done for me. Like, Share & Donate :): OR
Posted 7 years ago
Hey y'all, this is just a quick update on my fundraiser. I'm extremely excited and thankful for all the support I'm getting. May is almost here, which means that Seville is right around the corner! Hola a Todos, esta es una actualización rápida sobre mi la recaudación de fondos. Estoy muy emocionada y agradecida por todo de la apoya estoy recibiendo. Mayo está cerca, lo que significa que Sevilla está a la vuelta de la esquina!
Posted 7 years ago
It has come to my attention that many people looking to donate are having trouble accessing the form on the website I have decided to make a Gofundme page as well, because it may be more accessible to other people. Thank you to everyone for your continued support! Best, Marissa
Posted 7 years ago
Thanks to all of YOU, we have reached 40% of our goal! We are almost there :D Thank you to: Kristiana, Kirsten, Marie, Stetson, and Mary Kate! We are almost halfway there!
Posted 7 years ago
I remember the first time that I traveled solo (Not counting getting stuck in Santo Domingo, while my mom jump seated back the states). It was only a month ago! I was so anxious, but I knew I was ready for whatever was going to be thrown at me. I have my parents to thank for pushing me and making sure I have the best possible opportunities along the way. A huge thank you to Will K. and Todd T. who donated yesterday, and everyone else for their generosity! 25% to the goal, we're almost there!!!
Posted 7 years ago
For all of my friends who have never studied abroad or are thinking about studying abroad, I will be the first to say go for it! If you're not convinced check out this video of Seville, Spain and Study Abroad.
Posted 7 years ago
Hi All! I'd really like to thank all those who have donated and shared my GoEnnounce Mission. You are all helping make my study abroad to Seville a reality. I also would like to take a minute and thank the community of Wilbraham and Monson Academy. I've been thinking a lot lately, and I'm realizing that a lot of the things I do today, my willingness to branch out into unknown territory is all thanks to the experience that I received at the school. The education I received was important, but in my opinion the exposure to different people and cultures was vital to my development as a global citizen. As you get older, you realize that not everyone is going to think like you; thanks to WMA I know that.
Posted 7 years ago
Hey everyone, On a side note, I'm at William & Mary for colonial relays this weekend. Last night I ran the 1500m and today I'll be running the 4x400 relay. Only two weeks away till fundraising is over! I'd really like to take the time to thank anyone whose shared on social media to get my mission out there. I hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend as well!
Posted 7 years ago
Thank you so much for the donations so far! Recently, I've been making plans for my homestay and what I should bring my host family. I'm thinking something native to Charleston :) Best, Marissa