Help Me: Seoul South Korea Summer 2017
Study Abroad

What I'm Fundraising For
I have recently been accept to a study abroad program in Seoul, South Korea for the summer with ISA (International Studies Abroad)! I decided to defer receiving my diploma until after I've completed the program and returned back (No worries, I'll still be able to walk with my class in May). During my trip I will be taking a class where I will be learning the Korean language as well as class learning about Media and Culture in Korea and how the two influences daily living. All details about my program can be found here:
Why This Is Important To Me:
As a music business major I feel that it is important to learn about the industries around the world and how they work in those specific areas. During my Fall semester I worked on my senior project where I research the history of the music industry in Korea and over this past summer I began to self teach myself the basics of the Korean language. Since I've already been learning and Korea is one of the biggest for the music industry, I thought that this trip would be very beneficial to me.
How I Will Use The Funds:
The program is $5,450 for the summer, that goes towards my classes and excursions that I will go on through the school with other students. Since I made I decision to take this trip, I have been saving up for trip and I so far have enough to put towards the flight. I have also been working hard to obtain scholarships for the trip as well. But what isn't included in the program price is the cost of living (meals, etc.), which is why I'm trying to save and raise more than the cost of the program.
Strategy & Perks
My Strategy To Reach This Goal:
Any amount helps and is greatly appreciated whether is $1, $10, $100 or even just sharing my mission. It just great knowing that everyone wants to help and support my goals!
I plan on updating how my experience and travel are going and posting photos during my trip to share with everyone, which you will be able to do by following my profile in the upper right hand corner! I will also return with a memento from my trip as a thank you and appreciation for all the support.
No updates have been posted for this mission.

Sherry ShayMar 31, 2017 @ 11:57
Congratulations on being named the Student of the Week. We hope our donation helps you reach your mission! Please let a review on our site when you return, we'd love to hear about it.