Help Me: Send us to the Philippines

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Send us to the Philippines

What I'm Fundraising For

Me and my friend Ethan are trying to start abroad mission trips for extended periods of time. His fundraiser is for us to go to Africa for 2 years, and after a year of us being at home, we want to go abroad again! Help us out with our mission! #mymission

Why This Is Important To Me:

We desire to help people in our daily lives, and we dream of heading to the Philippines to help their people with the knowledge and love of Christ! We are always striving to learn more about culture, and what better way to learn culture than to be apart of it for long periods of time, and live with the people there!

How I Will Use The Funds:

We are asking for large sums of money as we will need help in covering the living and travel expenses of these missions. We can provide our own bibles, clothes, etc.


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