Help Me: Homeless Needs

Team or Organization

Homeless Needs

What I'm Fundraising For

I am Fundraising for a organization called homeless needs. This organization is helping the homeless being healthy, comfortable, and strong. #mymission

Why This Is Important To Me:

This is important for me because everyday I see hopeless and hungry people that strive to be off the ground. I want to see happy and them attempting to not struggle. Doing this can help mostly all of the populations lives of starvation and freezing cold.

How I Will Use The Funds:

I will use these funds for blankets, food, and comfortable clothing for them. This can help them feel worthiness in themselves and start working for their own.


Strategy & Perks

My Strategy To Reach This Goal:

I just need as many people as I can to donate. If possible 25 people or more can donate this will help the organization grow and more homeless can come. This can help the organization get clothing and material they need.


If possible the more donations we get the more you will receive back. For example the organizations use the donation for the material the homeless need and if the more donations the more you can get back.


No updates have been posted for this mission.

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