Help Me: Help adopt a homeless pet


Help adopt a homeless pet

What I'm Fundraising For

I am fundraising for the homeless pets all around the world every cent of dollar would make all the difference. #mymission

Why This Is Important To Me:

This is important to me because as a little child I had always seen homeless animals on the street, abandoned, left at the animal shelter to die no matter how hard I tried to help the animals it seems my efforts are useless. Please help out the ones in need even if they are not human.

How I Will Use The Funds:

I will use the funds to buy these animals food, shelter, health care costs, every cent donated is going towards helping these animals and finding a home for them all.


Strategy & Perks

My Strategy To Reach This Goal:

I ask for only 10 people to donate $10 each, by donating you will save many of these animals on the street


Every dime made will help these animals get the health care, food, and home they need. The love and care for these animals will be counted for, with every donation you make I will send you a pictures of the homeless animals you have saved.


Posted 6 years ago


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