Help Me: Cancer Research


Cancer Research

What I'm Fundraising For

I am fundraising for cancer research. I hope these funds will aid in the attempt to cure cancer. I know twenty five dollars will not cure cancer but it will surely aid the cost of the research. #mymission

Why This Is Important To Me:

It is important to me because I know so many people who have been effected by cancer. I have had three family members in last ten years die of cancer. So this campaign is very personal to me because of their cancer.

How I Will Use The Funds:

I will donate these funds to either Miles Perret Cancer services or Saint Jude's Cancer Research. These services do not charge cancer patients for any of their services. So this money will be able to aid in their attempt to provide free cancer services.


Strategy & Perks

My Strategy To Reach This Goal:

I just 5 people to donate $5 to reach my goal of $25.


No updates have been posted for this mission.

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